Just after we got back we had a wee cold snap and we ended up with a fresh dump of snow on the hills.

So it was a good job the guys from Heatsmart came and finished off the central heating system so we could light the new woodburner. It was lovely and cosy when Pete got here on the Friday night, cos the woodburner is very easy to light and throws outs lots of heat.pete was with us for the weekend finishing off the home theatre stuff, although we seem to have mislaid one of the speakers.he also set up all our internet access to 3 bedroom and the loungue and also wireless.On the monday i dropped him off at the airport for his diving trip in Jakarta.

Last Sunday he gave me hand to put the top rail on this fence and yesterday I started putting the rest up. This is for the pigs , when we can afford some..........
We've 125 sheep grazing our paddocks at the moment to help the grass tiller out, when they've gone I'll fertilse them.
Caught up with most of my customers last week and it's good to be back into the fortnightly visits, will definetly help with the finances :-)
Clare is off this weekend some we'll do some more house sorting, althouigh we are still waiting on mike to finish the tiling and there's some painting still to be done.
Spot ya
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