So we've moved from Rangiora and many thanks to Simon for his help last Sunday.
We've not had internet access for a week so catching up now with thanks to Rich for sorting it yesterday and our landlords for letting us tap into their broadband.
Apparently we're on the Port waiting list to have Broadband at 228 but today received a letter suggesting it might not be for to long, we'll see. In the meantime we're researching other options.
This rental is miles warmer than the last one and we're both excited about living here. It's 5 mins nearer town too which is cool.
Sky have been and installed at the new house , we've not got it here, but it's a work in progress.
To watch the Open we have to take up our tele to 228 to watch through the Sky box which recorded it :-) Mad or what, and bloody cold on Sat as the fog rolled in..........
Cant believe it's only about 7 weeks till we visit the UK so getting excited about seeing you all over there.
Sam arrived safely and only had a 2 hour delay at Singapore. By a stroke of luck a friend of ours was on the same flight so we were able to check them in all so they could sit together.