20 June, 2009

We have ROOF!!!

Well it's not quite finished as the ridge tiles need to be cemented on but its all in place and we think it looks great. The colour is even better than I thought it would be - as its always funny seeing them in a shop and trying to imagine them on a house. Next will be the bricks which we chose from a catalogue so lets hope they live up to expectations as well...

The other exciting bit of building is the pump house which Ben is constructing - the frame is nearly complete and will get a coat of wriggly tin very soon. It's a first - so will set the pattern for the other constructions that we need ..... hen house.... pig sty.... potting shed.... Any way its looking really good and means that Ben gets to play with his new whizzy saw.

16 June, 2009

Today the post man came to call..... and wow a fence was delivered - well the wooden bits any way :-)

Keith (the post man) had a very exciting machine that he used to ram the posts in to the ground - like a mini pile driver.

Already for Ben to put the wire on some time

12 June, 2009

Progress ...progress....

Looking more and more like a house now that the roof struts are on top of the framing. The guys have been busy and the weather reasonably kind to us (bit chilly but what can you expect in June - apparently its still warmer here than in blighty at the mo!!! ).

There is now a big metal beam across top of the garage opening that will support the roof so we can drive in without the worry of a roof landing on us! always reassuring don't you think ?!?!

Seems like the nice men from the framing company have been to spray the framing and unfortunately seem to have preserved the drains as well... - just a small hiccup - looks like they will be getting some lovely new ones for us :-)

09 June, 2009

Ooooohh well its getting exciting now as the framing is up which means we can walk round and all the rooms are in the right places!!! Its really strange how the building seems to shrink and grow at the various stages. From outside it now seems quite big but inside its still quite small...if you see what I mean ...

The roof struts are here as well and should be up over the next few days - then its the tiles :-) and 'hey presto' a roof will appear .... well thats the theory!

We are beginning to plan the garden out now - where trees, fences and features will go (although that doesn't mean its the final plan of course) lets just call it a work in progress...

04 June, 2009

Loads of action today

Lots happened today, first of all the Oasis waste treatment plant arrived, over seen in by Mike's coffee mug as both Clare and I working.

Slowly positioned in the hole. After it was down the lorry driver then moved up our water tank from the background . Apparently it was 4 tonne and that empty........

Safely in the hole .

Whilst all that was going on this happened. I don't know you turn your back and before you know it a house grows up tsk tsk.
There was a small problem with the framing as the manufactures had used the wrong treatment on the external uprights. After a few phone calls we argeed to have them treated on site and for them to knock off around $1000 the price, result.